I Aspire

To be all I can be. I aspire to be who God has chosen for me to be. I will change my life to be the person I was called to be. I will no longer drag my feet, or procrastinate, because I will remember that time will not wait for me. Each day I wake up is another day I must use to make a positive impact and influence in my society. What I know I will share with others. What I think I know I will research to get more knowledge, to share with others. There are too many books, too many experts, and too many past mistakes to let go of, for me to allow myself to become another one who is just wasting time. I will be that person who will pay it forward and not keep what I know to myself.

D L Coles

“God gives us another day to get it right. Our reflection of life is us. We need to change our ways, our character, our positions in order to get to our destination”.


Iyanla Vanzant

“Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth.””

Iyanla is a wonderful woman who is full of inspiration. Click on her picture to be inspired even more.