The individuals you surround yourself with should first be self-believers, as this will enable them to believe in you. They ought to be on the right path in life and inspire others to follow suit. Whether they are Preachers, Teachers, Pastors, Leaders, or even your mother, Father, Sister, or Brother, their inner happiness will guide them to do what's right. By surrounding yourself with such people, their joy can uplift you. If you're uncertain about what inspires you, see God and reflect on what you love to do and pursue it in this lifetime, letting your smile shine.

DL Coles

Believe in Yourself

When we take a moment to sit and reflect, our minds often race with all the tasks we think we should be doing. We wonder about what's happening today, tomorrow, or next week, and we tend to prioritize what others need or expect from us, neglecting our own desires. We worry that someone will be upset if we don't meet a deadline. Sometimes this can be overwhelming. However, it's crucial to shift focus from others' expectations to our own aspirations and happiness. Pursue your dreams and desires, what brings you joy; whether it's reading, crafting, or spending time with loved ones. Discover what you love and embrace it. This doesn't mean neglecting others, but rather balancing your needs with theirs, enabling you to support them fully. It's really that simple.

Why Be Exceptional

For years, I've been a guiding figure for those in search of inspiration, assistance, or advice. I began by journaling my passions and thoughts, which led to the creation of Exceptional New Me, an initiative dedicated to discovering your inner self and becoming the best version of yourself.

Butterflies hold a special place in my heart; they symbolize endurance, change, hope, and life, serving as a reminder that everything will be alright.

As a wife, mother, sister, friend, and a chosen woman of God, I am exceptional. My certifications in Property Management and Interior Decorating, along with self-acquired expertise in Organization, Cleaning, Healthy Eating, Saving Tips, and Decorating, have enriched my life. Being a wife, mother, and friend has enhanced my personal growth. I am committed to continuous learning so that I can impart my knowledge to others. It is my hope that as you navigate this website and explore its pages, you will discover your calling, strive to be the best version of yourself, and generously give back to others.

​D L Coles